Blondes or brunettes?

Do men prefer blondes? Of course, this idea is embedded in the collective imagination. But is this actually the case? It's true that Marilyn Monroe, who had previously appeared in 'All About Eve' with her natural brown hair (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1950), became successful when she went blonde, starring in (and confirming that) "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (H. Hawks, 1953). Do blondes attract more attention?
A cultural issue

The opposition between blondes and brunettes has been exploited by Hollywood as a very profitable tool, which is what happened with Monroe's film. At times, the unintelligent blonde stereotype has been exploited simply for comedy purposes ('Legally Blonde', R. Luketic, 2001). But it's not just Hollywood that has used this rivalry. American television has historically put blonde and brunette females up against each other, generally competing for the love of the male lead. The blonde woman is usually associated with the positive values of purity, goodness and sincerity. She also used to play "the girl next door", while the brunette woman was considered more exotic, yet arrogant and often dark (who doesn't remember the evil but glamourous Alexis Carrington in 'Dynasty' or the wicked rat-eater Diana in 'V'?). Current times have altered this stereotype, but the rivalry still firmly exists, for example between the 'blonde and normal mother' Claire, and her exotic Colombian step-mother (the brunette Sofía Vergara) in 'Modern Family'.
There are also more bizarre cases in popular culture, such as 'Prehistoric Women', a British Hammer production in which a tribe of brunette women enslave a tribe of blonde women, and there are adverts which use this timeless rivalry, such as this curious campaign by a shampoo brand.
Who will win?
Such an old rivalry needs a winner. That's why there are several examples of competitions between blondes and brunettes to discover which group is smarter, as in the case of Moscow's annual chess tournament (there it seems things are tied), or which group is stronger. The French television programme 'Les Gladiatrices' aims to find out which group is stronger, and fulfils every man's dream by staging a fight between a team of five blonde women and a team of five brunette women... in bikinis! Here it seems the brunettes won by a landslide (19-3).

What does science say?
Historically, science has also been interested in this hair colour dichotomy. Many studies have been commissioned to gauge different aspects surrounding the issue, especially to what extent hair colour affects sexual attraction.
For example, a recent study by the University of South Brittany revealed that 76% of men were attracted to blondes, while 59% were attracted to brunettes. According to researchers, this is due to the fact that blondes are perceived to be younger, healthier and more fertile, characteristics which attract males in a primal and atavistic way. Or perhaps it's because they're also judged to be sweeter, weaker and more submissive, characteristics which are also appealing to many men.
According to the neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran, men prefer blondes because they often have paler skin which usually makes it easier to identify their age, health and sexual interests. Even Doctor Lisa Walker, from the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, says blonde women usually earn more in their jobs, or receive more help, as is demonstated on this programme.
All that glitters is not gold
Similarly, golden hair isn't necessarily a positive. Another study carried out in the United Kingdom, and published in 2011 in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, found that blondes were approached more (the experiment was carried out in a nightclub with the same girl wearing different wigs), but were perceived as more dependent and clingy. Conversely, brunettes were considered more sexually attractive, more intelligent, independent and approachable, but also more arrogant. Another study by Florida State University revealed that brunette women were perceived to be more trustworthy and stable (suggesting they would be better for a relationship), while other studies found that blonde women are seen as more neurotic and introverted.
And what do the women say?
A study by a shampoo brand which surveyed 3,500 women reaffirmed the clichés about blondes and brunettes. Among others, 75% of brunette women believe that blondes are vain, fickle and superficial, while 66% of blonde women called brunettes "hairy".
And what about redheads?

In the midst of this battle between blondes and brunettes, suddenly redheads appear. They are usually perceived to be more temperamental and less attractive (in the aforementioned study by the University of South Brittany, only 57% were attracted to redheads, less than were attracted to brunettes), but they have a more active sex life according to a study by the University of Hamburg. They therefore reject Rod Stewart's statement that 'blondes have more fun'.
In a nutshell then, there are colours to suit every taste. Never a truer word has been spoken. What do you think? Here at Elite Escorts, we have beautiful blondes like Carla and Gala, and we have brunettes like Isabella and Sade who will take your breath away. So, now you know a bit more about them, it's up to you to choose.